An Evaluation of the Impact of Zakah and Islamic Financial Instruments on Economic Growth
This study analyzes the effect of Islamic economic instruments, such as zakat, SBSN, and Islamic Venture Capital (MVS), on Indonesia's economic growth. GDP measures economic growth, while the zakat variable is proxied by the distribution carried out by BAZNAS. Furthermore, MVS and SBSN are measured by total sharia business financing, and total ownership of State Sukuk issued during the study period. This study uses multiple linear models to analyze the impact of Islamic venture capital, ZIS, and SBSN regression from 2011 – 2020. The multiple regression tests were used to partially or simultaneously determine the effect of ZIS funds delivery, Sukuk (SBSN), and Islamic venture capital financing on Indonesia's economic growth. The results showed that the distribution of ZIS partially significantly affects economic growth. The SBSN and Venture Capital variables also have a significant and positive effect. Simultaneously, ZIS distribution and Sharia financing, namely SBSN and Islamic Venture Capital, significantly affected economic growth. This result implies that an increase in Islamic capital financing, SBSN, and distribution of ZIS funds can positively encourage Indonesia's economic growth.
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