Spin-off Policy on Islamic Insurance Industry Development in Indonesia: Maslahah Perspective

Agus Waluyo


This study aims to describe the efforts to develop the sharia insurance industry in Indonesia. This study is a literature review supported by data and analysis with sources in the form of books, articles, websites and documents. This study resulted in several findings, including one of the efforts to develop the sharia insurance industry was pursued by the government through a spin-off policy. The spin-off policy normatively and substantially can encourage the growth of Islamic insurance in the country and in accordance with the community expectations in actualizing benefits in order to protect religion, life, descent, reason and property. The sharia insurance spin-off process in Indonesia has not run as expected. To support the acceleration of spin-off policy realization, it must be supported by strengthening regulations and human resources, product innovation, literacy, and expanding access. The implication of
this study is that there is still a need to strengthen regulations and human resources so that the sharia insurance spin-off policy program can be realized.


islamic insurance; regulation; maslaha; spin-off

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